This study assessed the viability of community resource centres as alternative school in promoting girl child education in Kaduna state, Nigeria. Five objectives and five research questions were formulated. Five null hypotheses were formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance. Descriptive design was used for the study. Out of a population of 864,355, a sample size of 355 was identified for the study. A self designed structured questionnaire titled Alternative School Instrument for Promoting Girl-Child Education was used for data collection. The null hypotheses were tested using the ANOVA statistics. The findings revealed that tailoring and vocational training were the available community resource centres that can be used as alternative schools for the girl child education in Kaduna state. The study also found that community resource centres in Kaduna State were viable as alternative school for the girl-child education with high cumulative mean of 3.131 being higher than the decision/ standard mean of 2.50. The knowledge content of community resource centres in Kaduna State was good enough to serve as alternative schools for girl-child education. As respondents overall cumulative mean response of 3.098 was found to be higher than the decision mean of 2.50. Fashion and design attracted the highest mean response of 3.3. The community resource centres were accepted as alternative schools for girl-child education in Kaduna State as the cumulative mean of 2.841 was found to be higher than the decision mean of 2.50. There are challenges such as societal attitude and payment of fees involved in the operations of community resource centres as alternative for girl-child education as the cumulative mean response was found to be higher than the decision mean of 2.50. It was concluded therefore that community resource centre is a viable alternative in promoting Girl-Child education in Kaduna State. Based on these findings it was recommended that more vigorous sensitization of the public on the importance of community resource centres in promoting girl-child education be carried out by girl-child education vanguards and community resource centres providers.